Artist Submission Form
We thank you for your interest in displaying your art at Island SPACE. Please complete this form so that we can get to know you and your work a little better.

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Email *
Type of submission *
Artist name *
Phone *
Email *
Year of birth *
Country of birth *
Current address *
Social media accounts *
Artist Bio: You can type in the box below or upload a document at the end of this form. You may also paste a link to a Dropbox, Google Doc or other file sharing platform. Please label your file your name_artist bio (for example JohnDoe_Artist Bio). 
Artist Statement: You can type in the box below or upload a document at the end of this form. You may also paste a link to a Dropbox, Google Doc or other file sharing platform. Please label your file your name_artist statement (for example, JaneDoe_Artist Statement).  *
Education: Please include all fields of study and degrees, not only art-related. Please indicate if "Self-taught." *
General genre/style *
Media used to create artwork *
Curriculum Vitae (CV): Please list previous exhibitions, publications, juried competitions, etc., or attach CV below in attachments section. You may also paste a link to a Dropbox, Google Doc or other file sharing platform. Please label your file your name_artist bio (for example JohnDoe_Artist Bio).  *
Share images of your artwork.  Please paste a link to a Dropbox, Google Doc or other file sharing platform. Please label your files "YourName_image (for example, JaneDoe_Rain). *
Notes: Please mention anything else that the museum should know when considering your submission.
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