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One-Woman Show Inspires Audience on Mother’s Day


On Mother’s Day, Island SPACE brought you the award winning show by Ingrid Griffith, “Shirley Chisholm-Unbossed and Unbowed.” A one woman play about the self-titled Fighting Shirley,’ and the trials and tribulations she faced against the political machine, all in the name of justice.

Held at the Pompano Beach Cultural Center, guests were welcomed into a wide foyer,, where Island SPACE hosted them with refreshments and excitement for the upcoming show. Guests were then welcome into the Culture Center’s theater, where they were sat faced with nothing but a screen and two chairs.

The show begins.

The story journeys back to 10-year old Shirley returning to the U.S. from Barbados, after being separated from her parents during The Great Depression. The story then travels through time, following her rise in politics and activism, while also showing her families side. The story takes you through the powerful moments of Chisholm’s life, including receiving the news of the 1960’s assassinations. The show closes with a power scene of Chisholm at the 1972 Democratic National Convention, where Shirley gave her concession speech after running for President of the United States—the first Black woman to do so.

We see how the years living with her grandmother in Barbados reinforced Shirley’s Caribbean heritage in every inch of her being, from her mannerisms to the way she spoke. Dressed in all black, Ingrid Griffith not only takes on an impressive and engaging Chisolm rendition, she also portrays major people in Shirley life such as Chisholms’ father, with a Barbadians accent, or Gloria Steinem- American journalist and political activist who ran as a delegate for Shirley Chisholm.

A daring story about being an outsider and the immigrant experience, Unbossed & Unbowed was a story on race, gender, and how what it determination it takes to challenge ideas surrounding them. Chisholm fought on and campaigned on the same political issues that are still hot topics today, and Griffith makes sure to highlight this throughout the play.

Guests were then welcome to have a Q&A session with Griffith, who spoke of her inspirations and desires for the show.

Ingrid Griffith is the writer and performer of Unbossed & Unbowed, a story inspired by the life and times of the icon Shirley Anita (St. Hill) Chisholm. “I’ve been moved to write and share Shirley Chisholm’s story in the hope that more people will become aware of her contributions and appreciate how her voice resonates today.”

The Island SPACE “Women Warriors of Social Justice” series is made possible by the following funds at the Community Foundation of Broward: Mary N. Porter Community Impact Fund, Jack Belt Memorial Fund, Ginny and Tom Miller Fund, Stearns Weaver Miller Fund for the Arts, Harold D. Franks Fund.

Learn more about Ingrid Griffith in her media kit and learn more about her one-woman play at:
Instagram: @unbossedunbowed
Facebook: Unbossed & Unbowed

General museum entry is $10 per adult and $5 per child. The facility is open Thursdays through Saturdays from 11:00a.m. through 7:00p.m. and Sundays from 11:00a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Donations, sponsorships, memberships and volunteer commitments are encouraged. Visit to learn about this unique experience and other activities and exhibitions at Island SPACE Caribbean Museum.